Thursday, December 30, 2010

AudUSd : Bullish Uptrend.

AudUsd has climbed much higher since the fake or faile Head and shoulder pattern.
Well the pattern is correct. 2 Shoulders and 1 head. However, price has broken the neckline
but has instead of retesting the neckline and continue down to target of Head to Neckline projection it has continued bullishly.
More upside is expected as long as prices stay above the triple band moving averages.
The current trend should be a final 5th wave which is still in the early stage of formation.
Current levels is last peak proximity.
Some resistance should be expected.
But trend is still UP.


Required Rate of Return : 12%
Target price = $4.50 - $4.60 [depend on final entry price]
No go zone after $4.10
Stop loss : $3.85
Price Limit : $4.50
Current price : $4.00
$0.15 : $0.50 [Risk/reward]
1 : 4.5

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Trademark's maxim

It's not about time in the market
It's not about how long you hold your position.

It's not about the size of the price movement.
It's not about having a large move.

It's about certainty and achievability
It's about position size multiply by price move.

CTX : Caltex

Prices within Trend Channel.
Waitng for a price to the upside of the channel.
Stay with Trend , track the Moving averages.
Set stop loss accordingly below the 3rd moving average band.

MIncor Resources. MCR

Mincor Resources.
Stuck in a Triangular Consolidation.
Waitinf for a break to the upside $2.10 and above.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

EurUsd : Breaking out of Trend Channel

Anticipating a Trade when prices break out of Trend channel.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

MRE : Minara Resources : Triangular Break out.

Minara Resources[MRE] : Broke out of a triangular consolidation. Height to base of triangle is about $0.20. Broke out point at roughly $0.80.
Anticipating first price objective at $1.00.
Above mentioned charts is powered by

Triangular Charts

SDM : Sedgman

IGR : Intergra

RHC : Ramsay

PTM : Platinum Asset Managment at the point of inflection !
Possible target $6.50 ?

PMP : PMP limited

Broken out of triangular consolidation.
Possible target on a monthly chart is $1.35

CAB - CabCharge

Interesting formation.

CMW - Cromwell group

Take note the this is a monthly chart.
Drill into daily to make an entry decision.
But on the monthly chart which adds a wider perspective on it.
Price has consolidated and has broke out of the triangular consolidation.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

MInara Resources : MRE

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oil : a 4hr and 8 hr perspective : Flag

4 hourly chart with a Flag formation.

8 hourly 5 waves complex elliot consolidation.

AudJpy : Price/Stochs Vearish Divergence : 2hourly chart

Prices has poped out of trend channel.
A Triangle roof has been formed.
Looking like a head and shoulder reversal on the 2hourly chart.
What that means is Jpy will strengthen and Aussie weakened.
The only thing not to like is stochs is on the low side
But itself also out of the triangle besides also forming a bearish divergence to price.
Taking the cue from moving averages, as long as price stays below that.
Anticipatiing a break of the neckline.

EurGbp : Price/Stochs Bullish Divergence

GbpUsd : Price/Stochs bearish divergence

GbpUsd looking bearish. Price/stochs bearish divergence on the 8 hourly chart.
Stochs turned down on the daily chart.
Descending triangle in formation.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

WOTIF AFR has a sell on it with a price target of $4.20.
Will see how price interact with the trend channel and the topside of $5.05.
Possibly the end of the wave.
Stochastics is hovering at the topside as well.

MRE : Minara Resources

Prices within Trend Channel.
Stochastics reflection of the current wave is turning up.
Prices above moving averages.
Anticipating a 5th wave price movement
over the coming weeks to $0.95

Telstra :

Support at $2.72

Monday, December 13, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010