Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Global Situation : Reset & Rebalancing the trade and financial imbalance.

Global Situation

Save USA & Europe
Slow China
Spur Emerging Markets (Indonesia, BRICs, MENA, Africa)

Reset and restore the World's financial balance.
Go Back to basics.
Repair Demand side economics.
Major Economies will Slow.
US, China, Europe, Japan.

Fight inflation
Asset bubbles

Buffer the "recessionary effects"
. Cushion unemployment fallout.
. Global Infrastructure projects.
. Re-channeling of Global funds.
. Spur emerging market, developing countries growth.
. Globalize-deregulate Bio-Pharmaceutical industry.
. Islamic finance/Islamic economies

Australia economy will be buffered by the Infrastructure demand for
Metals & Minerals.

US economy will shrink.
Europe will be privatized and regionalized

China will be the World's financier.
In the global trade & financial rebalancing process.

Emerging markets will grow.


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