Sunday, November 13, 2011

ECB : To print or not to print $, Dear Angela of Germany

UK business secretary, Vince cable probably put a voice to what most people are thinking. Germany must allow ECB to print more money . Now, nobody has any money. Everybody owes everybody and cannot pay. So what to do, money is not like gold fortunately, money can be made in an instant. Solution print more money, more borrowings on top of borrowing which got them in this place in the first place. What kind of a bloody plan is that. It's called easy way out, maybe the only way. Keep peddaling or else it's financial dark ages for the European and the ashes will spew all over the world. But either way it's bad, bad bad ! 2012, end of the world may not be that far fetched after all. Hobson's Choice !! Public sector spending has already been cut, but how much more can you cut. From 1st class to business class, but damn the one that suggest coach class !!

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