Sunday, June 19, 2011

Snapshot Summary


. Comparison of Mcdonald [MCD], StarBucks [SBUX], Amazon [AMZN], IBM, Microsoft[MSFT]

. All are generally Trending Up, except for Microsoft who has kind of lost its way.

. Generally if the Companies' business is good, it would rise and fall according to money flow and trend accordingly

. However if the business is on shaky grounds or is affected by some fundamental forces relating to the business then it would beat according to its own drum.

. StarBucks and Amazon : Coffee and Books : A powerful combination and the Stock has risen accordingly !

. IBM a long stalwart of Blue Chip is still keeping the pace. Old and Wise.

. Microsoft, however has lost its way, since Apple's consumer technological revolution with its Iphone/Ipad.

. Mcdonald has gone through its own crisis : Mad Cow and Nutrition !

It is still keeping pace with market diversification and penetraion into emerging markets.

Fast food is still fast food. Guess its still King of Fast Foods in this fast paced world.

. That now Airports which ounce was pariahed to the fringe of the city is coming to the center of the city.

. The Center of Attraction. ! Aerotropolis !

. The more Aerotropolis, The more Mcdonalds and Starbux ! And more Apple's Ipad as People move around

globally and the old and wise IBM is still needed to power and wire up the whole show
. Microsoft probably has hit saturation point, being one of the first company that is ahead of its curve and has more people than any other companies that uses its products.

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